Outreachy | Week 7

This is the seventh weekly blog of my internship.

Archana Kumari
4 min readJul 11, 2021
✨ week 7 ✨

Hi there, so it’s the end of week 7 and all I can say is that it’s been a rollercoaster ride till now. 🎢 Some days were easy and some days were really difficult for me when I had no idea how to continue working on my task or what to do to move forward. Luckily I am under the guidance of amazing mentors who are helping me continuously to implementing my ideas efficiently into the project tasks.

Also, this week I did my past week reflection on my internship project tasks, my progress, my learning, important moments and some lessons I learned from the past few weeks. I usually get down sometimes and analyse everything — what went well, what could have been improved upon, and do I need to recreate my system to hit those goals. Along with this I also did my mid-year life audit check.

my tweet about reflection

Okay, that’s enough talk! Let’s see about this week progress tasks and did I cross that off from the list. hmm!? 🤔

What I have done this week?

  • So Monday starts with working on API microversion update patch 798807: API v2.39, added share-type quotas, this was about adding share type quotas into the initial patch and commit it for review. It gets reviewed by my mentor, I worked on their comments which showed ‘Build succeeded’ in green ;)
  • I did pair programming with Victoria(mentor). I was quite scared at first when I heard about we are going to do a pair programming session. Because it was my first time though, but this ended up with a great and helpful session. I got to learn so many things like the workflow that I should follow when I get stuck somewhere and taking references from other codes is okay! :p
  • About the patch 795990: Replace assertDictMatch with assertDictEqual method in tests. Well, this one is taking so much time because I didn't clearly understand all parts of this issue when I started working on this. This one is still in progress.
  • I‘m now working on a new task that is similar to this one(789018: Add — wait flag to the delete share group operation). But it’s about 799997: Add — wait flag to the create share group operation. This one is similar to the adding delete option to share group operation but to submit my first patch for this one, I spend so much time reading all the codebase and understanding how can I work on this command. For now, I can see some reviews on this patch from my mentor, I’ll work on this in the next week. :)
  • I assigned myself some new tasks on python-manilaclients and manila-ui projects. I always make sure that for every task, I am getting myself out of my comfort zone so that I explored and experiment more. Here is the tasks list:




  • As usual, I had a 1:1 session with my mentor, we had some great discussions on next week tasks and our progress update.

→ I received positive feedback and some suggestions for all my contributions. My mentor always making sure that I kept progressing into my contributions and sharing with me some external opportunities in which I can take part on.

→ We had a discussion about Python stuff in which I need to work on, so I started working on those by going through a Python course.

→ Also had a discussion about OSD Summer mentor stuff. I’m excited for the next week because this is the first time I’m going to do mentorship for such a great program.

  • Furthermore, I jumped on this issue → Share Type Create and Update forms need separate fields for fixed parameters. I started working on this issue by reading some documentation, looking into the ui side and figuring what I need to fix here by reading the bug description and all previous comments(whoever worked on this issue previously). I am quite excited to work on this issue because I am going to investigate some manila ui side work. Let’s go for this! ☁️

That’s it about this week, I’m enjoying every day with new things to work on and I’m so proud of myself that I made this far along with my mentor 🌻

I’m just so proud of myself right now✨

Thanks for reading!

:wq till next week

