TWTW-Week 1, October 2018✨

Archana Kumari
4 min readOct 28, 2018


The week that went, I can say that it was awesome but it was more hectic for me. I’ll explain later, but first let me tell you that what is TWTW and why I’m writing this so, as a part of the WITx program participant we all have to write a blog at the end of every week which we called TWTW(The Week That Was).

Rethink’s WITx Learning Program is a 2-week learning program for female engineering students, designed to equip them to leverage the various Women in Tech opportunities.

Source: Unsplash

Qualified Stage 1 of WITx:

Warm-up theme tasks

I received this mail from Rethink Foundation that- “You have qualified Stage 1 of WIT Selections”. After receiving this mail, I’m not that happy to be selected because I know that the deadline is near my Udacity Nanodegree course completion and firstly I have to complete it, and also there were some college works.

Regarding all this, I have written a mail to Arya and then telling her that Can I participate in WITx December? She replied that there might not be a WITx program running in December. The next program is expected to be in the summer of 2019. After that I have replied to her- “Thank you, I am going to do this.” :)

I have prepared my self for a Stage 2 Warm-up theme that includes two activities:

  1. Publish Introduction Video: My first intro video :p
  2. Publish Personal Website: Yup! It is not that awesome but good enough. ;)

As per the rule, the first time I have created any Google website and it was really difficult for me to create any websites by drag and drop then creating any website by coding, but the good thing here happens that I have learned how to make google sites? Yayy!!

Selected for the WITx Learning Program:

I got this mail on 25th Oct that “You’ve been selected to the WITx Learning Program! Accept your participation now.” It was a happy moment for me then immediately I filled the form to accept my participation. After that, I received another mail “You are now a WITx Program Participant” and with all these stuff to follow:

  1. Joining telegram group
  2. Submit your Twitter profile.
  3. Youtube live session.

This week covered three activities- #discover, #connect, and TWTW.


It was all about to discovered three opportunities anything that you were interested in or wished to pursue and then tweeted the links to 3 opportunities to @rethinkcollect, with hashtags #opportunity and #witx. My tweet:

Task 1: #discover


This activity was all about to connect with WIT cohort 1 participant, by watching the interviewed which is taken by her then write an Interview Summary with key points and drop a mail to that participant who conducted that interview with two things:

1. The link to your interview summary blog

2. What you liked about the interview and that participant :)

Here is my Interview Summary blog where you’ll get to know more about Task 2: #connect activity:

Task 3: TWTW: This is what I’m doing here.

Along with all these activities I have also daily completed my Nanodegree and study for college exams. I have figure out my fear of writing a blog, able to manage time, and connect with some great minded people.

One more good news that I want to share here is:

I am selected for GirlScript Foundation Chapter Leader for Noida City. Looking forward for making a strong community of highly motivated people.

Lastly, I would like to say it was an excellent week for me, I have figure out so many things and happy to be a part of the WITx learning program. Looking forward to the next week's fun-filled and great activities. Thank you Arya for the amazing WIT learning program. :)



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